There’s still so much to say about Anna Smith, even after so many years of her death. During the, 1990’s she was one of the most controversial and the most talked about.
Her fame started after she posed for Playboy Magazine after she went on to model for fashion brands such as Lane Bryant, Guess, H & M, and Heatherette.

Her fame and fortune, unfortunately, became her downfall, but her memory lives on in her daughter Dannielynn.
Anna Nicole Smith was born in 1967 at Vickie Lynn Hogan. Her father was left when she was a baby and she was raised by her mother and aunt in Houston, Texas.
Her childhood was tough as her mother was very strict.

Vickie’s childhood life was tough. Her mother was very forthright and very strict,’’ longtime friend Jo McLemore told ABC News.
Anna found love after she dropped out of high school and went on to date her fellow drop-out Billy Smith. They got married and Anna had her first son Daniel when she was 18 years.

Her marriage with Billy didn’t last long and she had to single-handedly raise Daniel. Without a job or education, she became a dancer at the bar at least to make a living.
Luck shined on her when she caught the eyes of the Playboy Magazine. She became one of the biggest names in the modeling industry and was signed by William Morris, the most praised Talent Agency in the Us.

She started getting other gigs, making headlines, and was causing a lot of stir in the modeling world.
She was a complete traffic hazard and her pictures on billboards along with highways always caused traffic as drivers lost focus while starring at her.

Anna loved all the attention she was getting.
‘’I love the paparazzi. They take pictures, and I just smile away. I have always liked the attention. I didn’t get very much growing up, and I always wanted to be, you know, noticed,’’ she once told the Washington Post.

In 2007, Anna died of an overdose. She had her daughter Dannielynn a few months before her death and the little girl had to grow up without her mother.
Currently, Dannielynn lives with her father Larry Birkhead and thankfully she’s being raised like every normal child. She goes to a regular school and goes to church every Sunday.

Its been 14 years after Anna’s death and all people can see in Dannielynn is a spitting image of her beautiful mother. Dannielynn said she might follow in her mother’s footsteps by becoming an actress.